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L: Knock, knock
W: Who is it?
L: It’s me. Little red riding hood.
W: come in, come in.
L: Oh, what big ears!
W: I can listen to your sweet voice.
L: Oh, what big eyes!
W: I can see your pretty face.
L: Oh, what big mouth!
W: I can eat you.
L: Oh, no.
旁白:He eats little red riding hood.
W: I’m sleepy.(大灰狼开始睡觉,打呼噜的声音要大)
旁白:A hunter hears the wolf.
猎人出场:Who is it? Grandmother and little red riding hood are inside. I must hurry. Cut cut cut…
老奶奶:Thank you! (边咳嗽边谢谢猎人)
小红帽:Thank you! (跳出来谢谢猎人)
旁白:The wolf is still sleeping. They put in stones.
猎人,小红帽,老奶奶:one two three(搬石头)
旁白:They sew they wait. He wakes up.
大灰狼:My stomach is so heavy. (起床,感觉肚子重)
猎人:You big bad wolf
大灰狼:Help help. Don’t shoot. Don’t shoot. (说完之后,拖着自己笨重的肚子摇摇晃晃的逃走了)
旁白:He runs out. He runs slowly. Woops he falls down. The wolf is dead. (大灰狼听到woops就掉进了水里,然后死了,这是小红帽和老奶奶说:yeah!)
The hunter goes to town. (猎人把大灰狼拖到背到城镇去卖了。)
Grandmother and little red riding hood, they have cookies and juice.
They have a good time.(此时,老奶奶和小红帽吃着饼干,喝着饮料,很高兴。小动物们和其他角色从左右两边上台,他们站成一排。)
播放歌曲音乐(who’s afraid of big bad wolf?):
所有角色合唱完说thank you!然后退场。